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Meet Denis: Transforming Elderly Care with Seminary Training

"The fact is, elderly people in our society are the some of the most socially unprotected people", reports Moscow Theological Seminary Masters student Denis Ozhereliev.

"There are many elderly in our community who have found themselves in difficult situations and are very lonely. There is little support for them, so our pastor created a housing and eldercare ministry, of which I became the Director. But I felt I needed more training in Biblical counseling and more tools for advanced social work. MTS helped guide me to do this special ministry."

 MTS has a wide range of courses and certifications that help equip the ministry worker, Sunday School teacher, and pastor alike. Denis lives in the coastal town of Novorossiysk, and has been able to receive excellent training through the Seminary's distance learning option. Through MTS courses like Rehab Ministry, Biblical Counseling, and Social Work, Denis feels that he is better prepared.

"We engage our residents in chapel services, Bible studies, medical appointment transport, reconciliation sessions with family, and outdoor activities like day trips. I am thankful for the guidance MTS has provided. Where else but the Seminary would I have found the tools to do this ministry work? The professors at MTS are doing a great service to the elderly of our nation by teaching us how to minister to them."

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